Monday, 9 January 2012

4 Important Tips to write better Blog Posts

Blogging is not about putting some words together to make an article just for the sake of posting something.It is about adding value to your blog, adding value to a person reading your article, making it of use to someone.So today I am going to give you four important tips to write better blog posts-

how to great blog post

Researching a topic you are going to blog about will help you out a lot.Never try to write a blog post by knowing just the bare minimum or just an outline of the topic, if you do it will just create a generic post, that is not of importance to any one and it does not qualify as "Quality Content".

Learn about your topic by reading other blogs and what other blogs have to say.Get involved in commenting and discussions about the topic to get all angles of information about the topic.

Use the Latest News
Imagine you are writing about Education in your country, now add value to your blog post by using related news that happened, say in the past six months or so.This will help your readers to relate and understand the whole topic much better, also the more you know, the more your readers respect.

Use Pictures and Illustrations
Images or caricatures can add great value to your article, a good picture along with your good content can make a great article.You can use Stock Photos that relate to your article, but make sure that you do not use stock photos with generic people in them.

Also talk about the picture in your article, use words like - "As you can see in the picture....." or "The Picture shows what I am talking about...." Etc.

Use Real Life Examples
To relate with your audience you may have to use real life examples as well as real life experiences.This can be a vital determining factor in whether or not your readers like your Blog Post or not.

So these are the 4 Important Tips to write better Blog Posts, that I follow while writing new articles.These practices can be the difference between a good article and a great article.So go out there and write great blog posts.

Recommended Read - Three Reasons why Bloggers are their own Bosses.
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs