Saturday, 21 January 2012

Tata Photon + : Things you need to know before buying (32 kbps)

Tata Photon + is a leading Indian Mobile Internet connection provider, it is one of the major players in the telecom market.Tata Photon + claims "Get Speed.Get Life", but there are a few things you need to know before buying a Tata Photon + net connection for your home or laptop.

Tata Photon+ 32 kbpsTata Photon+ before buying

  • Speeds up to to 3.1 Mega Bits Per Second and not Mega Bytes Per Second.It adds up to 1.5 Mega Bytes Per Second.
  • The above speed is only till 5GB 10GB or 15GB based on your plan.5GB Unlimited Plan costs 950 Rs/- a Month after Discount and Taxes.
  • After the top speeds up till the above given usage, the speed drops to 155Kbps.
  • After 40% (Of Top Speed Usage) more usage, the speed drops to 32kbps.
  • You always get 100% connection,  Tata Photon +  never fails to connect.
  • Rain, Thunder does not affect Tata Photon + much as it does to Tata Sky.
  • Prices are at least 20% more than MTS MBlaze for similar usage and speeds, other networks do not seem to have that 40% rule.
  • Prices are at least 75% more than BSNL Landline Broadband connections, given that BSNL is not Wireless.

Overall Rating for Tata Photon +  6/10
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs