Monday 28 May 2012

Where To Start A Blog? Starting A Blog Made Easy

You may have been influenced by someone or seen people blogging and felt that it is something that you too should try out.So you may the question, Where To Start A Blog? Starting a blog is not all that difficult as you may think.You may feel that you must invest a lot of money, time and must know Zuckerberg like coding skills to be able to start a blog.If you have all these, it just makes the job of starting and maintaining a blog much easier, but none of these are a necessary pre-requisite to start blogging.All you need to have is that little interest in blogging.

Here is this article, we will discuss the A-Z of starting a blog, this is a one stop guide to start and maintain a blog, easily.

Where To Start A Blog?

How To Start a Blog From Scratch? How To Build Your Blog? These are just some of the questions we will answer here.

Choosing A Niche - Picking A Topic
Choosing a Niche For a New BlogOne of the first questions you should ask yourself while starting a new blog is, What Should My Blog Be About?Your blog can literally be about anything you are interested and have a passion for.You just enjoy blogging about the topic you have chosen.

A topic for a blog is not always necessary, but if you want regular readers for every article you write, then you had better stick a topic, it does not have to be a concentrated topic, but can be broadly about a specific thing or interest.Some people just like to blog for their own joy and to share with a small group of friends and family, these people need not really stick to a single topic, they can experiment more.

If you are interested in Football, you can start a blog about football.Similarly you can have anything as your topic.

Choosing a Niche can be really important and hence needs to be thought out properly, your niche will be with you always, so choose wisely when starting a new blog.

Choosing A Domain Name For Your Blog - Naming Your Blog
Domain name is the website address you see for every website in your address bar, for example, ours is

Even more so than a niche, your domain name is something that you are going to be stuck with.So before going ahead and naming your blog after your dog just because he did something really cute, think for a while.Make sure that your blog name is something that is relevant to the Niche or Topic that you have chosen.

Some people like to name their blogs after themselves, by that I mean their domain name will contain only their name.This is not a bad idea if you are a famous person or celebrity, but usually we do not recommend that you name your blog after yourself. You will be losing out on vital SEO points.

If you are not sure about naming you blog, then you should take the help of our Blog Name Generator.

Paid Hosting Or Free Hosting?
When starting your blog, you should decide whether you want to buy hosting or use those services which offer free blog hosting.If you do not know the different free blogging sites, then you should check this out - Best Free Blog Sites.

If you are serious about your blog and want to make money from it, then you should probably opt for a good quality hosting service.You can get good offers from various Web Hosting companies but we recommend HostGator.

We have been using HostGator on a number of our sites and hence we know them and their service well.You will not go wrong by choosing them as a web-host for your new blog.

If you opt for Free Blogging platforms, we recommend or as these two are the leading free blogging platforms, they offer a variety of options and features.

Writing Content For Your Blog
Your blog content need not always be written articles, they can be images, videos, tools or applications which help people.When you are starting a blog, make sure that you start off by writing only quality articles.When you do not feel like writing something for your blog, don't.Do not post something just for the sake of it or to maintain a blogging frequency.

Google will not index your pages and send traffic towards you if your blog is not full of quality and unique content.Some bloggers do not depend on Google search to get readers, they use social networks, but even they know that well written articles get a lot of attention and lackluster articles just fade away.

Do not know how to write good content on your new blog? - Tips to write better Blog Posts. Also see - Tips To Increase Blog Credibility.

Making Money From Your Blog - Monetization
Monetizing a New Blog
Most Bloggers start blogs just for the sake of earning money from them, these bloggers inevitable fail to do so.Starting a blog to make money is going to be a definite failure, if you have the interest to blog regularly, then with patience the money will start flow in automatically.

A blogger will not make any decent money in the first 6 months to a year of blogging, once he or she has gained a foothold and earned some respect in the blogging community, then the money will start to trickle in.With further hard-work and good monetization, a blogger can earn a huge deal of money.There are several bloggers around the world who earn more than a 6 figure income each year from blogging alone, they are, in a way their own bosses.See why Pro-Bloggers are their own bosses.

So these are the basics you should know to Start A Blog, With these basics you can hope to develop a good blog that people would love to visit and read.Make sure you share this post with your friends on your social networks.
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Meet the Author

Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs