Wednesday, 27 June 2012

More Techie People Prefer The iPad Mini

Recent surveys state that more than 50 percent of people are more than interested to buy the rumored iPad Mini than any other tablet, surely the hype around this is due to the cheaper device offered by Apple, the iPad was a little expensive for my liking, the iPad mini is in the price range from 249USD to 300USD.

Although the iPad Mini is relatively cheaper compared to its bigger counterpart, consumers wish for it to have 3G network services and also would prefer a much smaller and thinner frame so that it looks premium and feels good.

Now when can we really expect the device to be officially released in the market? Since confirming rumors isn’t really one of the things that Apple do and they prefer keeping their release dates a secret, Apple fans should satisfy themselves with rumors in the meantime. Recent rumors however, suggest that Apple is preparing for the release of a total of 6 million iPad Minis for the 3rd quarter of this year, with prices ranging from 249USD to 300USD.

If these rumors are true and a 7.85-inch screen iPad Mini would be released in the market soon, where does this put Android Tablets? The iPad currently holds 68% of the market for tablets worldwide and with this in mind, is there still room for Android tablets in the already crowded tablet market? The surveys clearly show that cheaper and smaller tablets are more desirable for the consumers and the iPad Mini, which is definitely cheaper than other Apple products, would definitely put Apple in the dominant position.

The iPad mini would be going head to head with the Galaxy Tablet 2 and the Motorola Xoom..

The Android market share cannot be brought down by the Apple iPad mini is they price it high, while they can win over a lot of the market share if the iPad mini is priced in the same range as the Galaxy Tablet or the Xoom.

This article was written by Richard, who currently works as an editor at the cell phone recycling price comparison site, The site acts as a way for people to sell ipad devices and smartphones by comparing prices, so they get the best deal.
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs