Tuesday, 3 January 2012

How to Log In to your Multiple G mail Accounts at the same time?

Do have multiple G Mail Accounts that use frequently like me? Then this post article will really help you out.I was doing some experimenting with the Multiple Log In features of G Mail Accounts, and to my surprise I found that Google has made some features where you can sign in to G Mail Accounts, I am not talking about having different G Mail Accounts in different browsers or different G Mail Accounts in different Tabs of a browser, say Google Chrome.I am actually talking about having all your Important G Mail Accounts linked in one Account so that you can check and Compos mail from one place with any of your G Mail Accounts.

First of all, Sign in to one of your G Mail Accounts and hit the Settings Tab. Here you should see a Screen like this - 

Multiple G-Mail Log In

Now look for the Grant Access Section of the Settings Page -

Grant Access to G-Mail Pic

Here you can add the Different accounts that you are willing to allow access to your G Mail Accounts.You can use this feature of Google to merge or combine your Personal and Business G Mail Accounts or maybe you and your spouses G Mail account or have a common Account for a group of people working together Etc.

There are some limitations to Granting Access and the Multiple Log In features -

  1. The Access Granted G Mail Accounts can send and receive E-Mail in your Name.
  2. This Multiple Log In feature of G-Mail does not work with other Google services such as Google Apps or YouTube or Google+.
  3. If one of the Accounts is Hacked, all the accounts are compromised.

This feature is Called E-Mail Delegation by Google.Make sure you check out all our other How-To Guides
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs