Freelance writing is a great way to be creative and make money at the same time. There is a large demand for freelance writers, both on and offline, and the key to success is content and speed. These two factors often tie in together, as it is quite easier to write about something you know about, rather than something you do not. The following seven tips can help people begin their career in this lucrative field.
Choose Your Niche
When you write about something you know about, you will eliminate the need for extensive research, and you will be able to write much faster. You may have to add sources to back your claims, but you can always do that later. You do not have to choose just one specialty either. If you have knowledge and expertise in several areas, you may wish to choose several niches.Practice Your Typing
If you can type faster, you can finish your articles faster. In this way, you can get more accomplished in one day's time. If necessary, take a typing or computer course. There are even some typing tests and exercises online that can help you sharpen your skills.Hire Help
If there is something that you simply have a hard time doing such as interviews or research, pay somebody else to do it for you. Of course you may only be able to do this if the piece you are writing is going to pay well enough to hire someone. However, if it is a high-paying piece, save yourself time and delegate help.Use Sub-Headings
Sub-headings not only make pieces easier to read and more attractive, but they make it easier for you to write the article as well. This is because you do not have to think up any transitory phrases to move from one paragraph to the next. You simply need to think of a good sub-title, and you can move right on to the next point.Limit Your Research
While it is definitely not a good idea to not research an article, it can also be a bad idea to over-research. Conducting too much research simply takes up too much of your valuable writing time. A general rule of thumb is to conduct about two interviews or use two sources of information for every 500 words of content whether you are writing for an HVAC company or Etobicoke moving storage company.Too many writers waste valuable time conducting lengthy interviews, and sometimes, they only obtain a minimum of information due to talkative interviewees. With that said, let your interviewees know ahead of time that you are on a strict schedule, and if necessary, tell them that you have another interview scheduled within the next hour.
Make Use of TK
TK is freelance writing slang that stands for "to come". It means that you will add information later. For example, if you are stumped for a word, phrase or source, simply jot down TK and move on. This will save you time, and you can go back later when the word, phrase or source comes to you.Freelance writing has grown quite popular today, and there are terrific opportunities both on and offline for people who love to write. However, if you want to succeed, you need to focus on content and speed. The above useful tips will help you strengthen these areas and succeed in your endeavors.
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How To Write About Stuff You Don't Know
Author: This article was written by Philip Russell. Philip has spent many long nights at the keyboard putting together all sorts of different freelancing jobs. It's a tough job, but it can be done, and you can save a lot of money on gas and logistics if you just stick to working at home as a freelancer.From Etobicoke moving storage company.