Saturday, 30 June 2012

Google Panda Update - June 21 2012

Google Panda Update
I began to see some changes in traffic patterns since the last week, I saw that some pages that were previously receiving a lot of traffic had reduced traffic and some other posts which were not receiving that much traffic got a hike in traffic since last week (last week of June 2012).Whether this was a major update or not is debatable, but there definitely was an update to the Google Panda on June 21 2012 with many webmasters on Webmaster Forums discussing the same.

This was probably one of the Google's "Panda Refreshes", which happens almost every month, to keep a check on websites that spam and are of low quality(Learn to make Google friendly sites).There have been several of these refreshes in the last few months.

These "Panda Refreshes" give bloggers and webmasters a chance to recover from the panda setbacks.

Even Seoroundtable referred to this Panda Update and they say that Google has denied that they had made a big change, but us webmasters think otherwise.

If you are concerned that your blog has been affected by the Panda updates, then read - Check For Panda Penalty
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs