Friday, 22 June 2012

Seven Steps to a Successful Summer for Business

Amidst calls for growth, the current economic crisis, and government’s seeming inability to rectify the situation, the onus for business success and growth is on business owners. Success in business depends upon a good business strategy, hiring the right people and keeping them, and making the best use of current technology. If you want to see greater success from your business this summer then you may want to consider implementing at least some of the seven steps listed below.

Step 1: Develop a Good Business Strategy

Undertake a thorough review of how your business has fared during the last year and then develop and implement a new strategy for the coming year. If you want your business to succeed you need a strong and workable strategy for the coming year. Start with a list of small but important changes you could make. Has your business floundered in certain areas in the past? Improve your daily practices to ensure business continuity for your customers and for the wider community where necessary.

Step 2: Review Your Hiring Process

If you want your business to grow you may need more staff, look at how you have done it in the past and see where you can make changes. Getting the right employees is a key factor in the success of any business. Be more hands on in the hiring process, check applicants’ backgrounds and make sure that their career goals are in harmony with what you want for your business.

Step 3. Enhance Working Processes

One of the quickest and most effective ways of enhancing general working processes is to opt for unified communications – i.e. using one platform for all communications or enabling a variety of different media communications to work in harmony. The idea behind the above is that it provides a platform for instant communication between staff members and sometimes between staff and potential clients.

Step 4. Rejuvenate Your Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan may have had some success last year but you want something that will deliver better results this year and in the future. Set marketing goals, e.g. three tweets a week, direct mail, email and text marketing. Chart the progress of your marketing plan so that you can see what works for you and what doesn’t.

Step 5. Focus on Benefits and Assistance Rather than Sales

Any business that takes their focus off the people they deal with or develops a tunnel vision where all that counts are sales will eventually stagnate. Emphasise the help that you can provide to the public and how they will benefit from that help.

Step 6. Your Website Matters

You may have a dull website with out of date information. In this day and age your website is important and often the first impression that potential clients will have of your business. Keep the site interesting with lots of information about what your company is currently doing and how it can help the searcher. Make sure your site is easy to navigate.

Step 7. Time Out

No matter how keen you are on work and developing your company, you need some time away from it. Taking some time away from the company helps put things in perspective and often leads to some great ideas, like those in this article.

This article was written by Ben Frisby on behalf of Maintel, business continuity and unified communications experts. To discover more about business continuity or unified communications, please take a look at their site.
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Gautham A S

Gautham A S is a personal tech columnist and blogging expert at TechGau.Org, one of the leading Tech, How-To and Blogging Tips blogs