Google, the home page for most of us has generated a directory of responses, whenever needed. This ability of the search engine has made us look up to it even for the smallest of things. They say, ‘if it’s not on Google, it does not exist’. This indicates the extent to which people rely on Google.
Incorporated in the year 1998, it was put to action in 2004 with a mission to systematize every bit of information available and make it universally accessible. The company has acquired many business firms since 2001 and its prime focus has been acquiring comparatively smaller companies like Keyhole Inc. which developed a product named Earth viewer. Google renamed it as Google Earth (after acquisition) and released it in 2005. Several other acquisitions followed with the latest one being the acquisition of Meebo.
Meebo is a social medium, which helps users connect with their interests. Headquartered in Mountain View, California, it started off as a browser based IM program (Instant Messaging) which supports various Instant Messaging services like Windows Messenger, Facebook chat, Yahoo! Messenger and much more.
One of the sensational products of Meebo is the Meebo toolbar. It allows the publishers to make use of the massive user base to furtively promote their brands on a user’s webpage. It also allows the users to create their own web experience with things that matter the most to them. You create a profile with inputs of your favorite stuff and Meebo will make personalized content according to it. You can also improve the personalized content by reacting to it with an emoticon (happy, sad, frown etc). Meebo will also sort out all web experiences that you’ve shared into a theme for others to enjoy.
Google might have acquired Meebo to enhance the services of Google+. This could be a wise move because it might help Google to spread its wings further in social networking. One of the sources reveals that Google is always on a pursuit to enhance the way in which users share content and connect across the Internet.
Meebo also seems to be very excited about this integration. It has posted on its blog that they have been assisting publishers to get more interactive with the users and on joining hands with Google, they are super thrilled to start the journey towards the next milestone.
The financial terms are still kept confidential, though several rumors have already started. When two forces combine together, we can expect something phenomenal. And as far as this coalition is concerned, we can anticipate something better and much engaging.
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